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  •   Background and Rationale

    To develop the ethnic groups database where systematized research data are available online and can be made use of by interested parties or individuals, following the subjects or topics of their interests, and thus making it easier for them to sum up the essential points necessary for further in-depth studies. 

    S'gaw youth at Mowakee Chaingmai

    Less savings. Much to share.

    S'gaw's proverb
    Mowakee Chaingmai

    Salak Yom Festival
    Pratupha Temple

    Sea as Home of Urak Lawoi, Moken, Moklen

    Rawai beach Phuket Thailand


    Computer class of S'gaw students
    Mae La Noi , Maehongson

    Khaw Rai (Rice)
    produced from rotational farming
    Li Wo, Kanchanaburi


    S'gaw woman at Hin Lad Nai village

    Fermented Beans

    Important ingredient of Tai


    Phlong(Pwo) woman

    Li Wo village

    Boon Khaw Mai rite

    Phlong at Li Wo


    Little Prince of Tai

    Ordination in Summer of Tai boys


    Boys are ordained as novice monks

     Poi Sang Long is the tradition of the Tai. 

    Be novice monk to learn Buddhism


    Tai-art  mural painting of  Buddha 
    at Wat Chong Kam Chong Klang
    Maehongson Thailand

    Wat Chong-Kam, Chong Klang

    Hmong childs at Ban Kewkarn
  •   Smile

    Smile in problems
    Urak  Lawai at Rawai Phuket
  •   Hybrid




  Ethnic studies in thailand    

List of ethnic group research from year1970 to present (2025)


The study of ethnicity in the year1970 to (2025) Number 1279 List



  Author Title Source Year
781. Chanthaboon Suthi, Somkiat Chamlong, Thawit Jatuworaphruek Lifestyle of the Yao The Hilltribe Research Institute, Department of Public Welfare, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare 1989
782. Talk Organizing Committee Ton Son Mosque and three generations of ancestors: History of Ton Son Mosque Community and its 400-year historical background analysis Talk Organizing Committee 2001
783. Ong-art Phromchai Knowledge transmission process of Tai Lue on treatments with herbal medicine Department of Non-Formal Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 1996
784. Kanichaya Rodruangsri The Relationship Between Creating Social Activities and Land Use within the Shan Community of Muang Pon Village, Mae Hong Son Province. Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Planning Program, Urban and Regional Planning Department, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University. 2001
785. Ronachit Maenmalai Lanna Big Drums: Relationship between way of life and ethnicity Master’s Degree Program in Cultural Studies, Mahidol University 1993
786. Photjaman Samakbut Phuthai dance in Renu Nakhon Department of Thai Performing Arts, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chulalongkorn University 1998
787. Kularb Kantharan Instructional activities on Yong way of life for Mathayom 4 students, Phromchaksangwon School, Pasang District, Lamphun Province Department of Social Sciences Instruction, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 2004
788. Phuangphaka Suthikul Utilization of medicinal plants in the Thung Yao Community Forest in Tambon Sri Buaban, Muang District, Lamphun Province Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University 2002
789. Kaewphankanlaya Kanlayanamit A study of Tai Lue shawl designs in Phayao and Chiang Rai Provinces Department of Thai Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University 1999
790. Thida Chomphunit A study on Tai Song handicrafts in Nakhon Pathom Province Institute of Arts and Culture, Rajabhat Institute Nakhon Pathom 1996
791. Ratanaphorn Sethakul The preservation of and changes in customs of the Tai ethnic group: A case study of a Yong village, Tambon Buak Khang, Sankampaeng District, Chiang Mai Province Office of the National Culture commission 1994
792. Naris Srisawang White Cloth Castles of Tai Lue in Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province A classroom report, Department of Thai Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University 1999
793. Jaruwan Wanacharoenchit Lue textile production process: The case of Lue in Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province A classroom report, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University 2000
794. Chairoek Tailangka Roles of agricultural promotion officers on the acceptance of lowland rice cultivation innovations of the Karen in Chiang Mai Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chulalongkon University 1983
795. Sunthorn Ket-in The structure of Karen textile designs at Ban Rai District, Uthai Thani Province Department of Vocational Studies, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 2002
796. Sirisin Saikert Highland rice production process of the Karen at Mae Lan Kham Village, Samoeng District, Chiang Mai Province Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 1999
797. Phawadee Klapching Participation of the Karen in water quality improvement from mountain water works Department of Environmental Planning Technology for Rural Development, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University 2002
798. James W. Hamilton Ban Hong Social Structure and Economy of a Pwo Karen Village in Northern Thailand A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan 1965
799. Surinporn Sri-in Karen community: Lifestyle and development: The case of Mae Yang Village, Tambon Hua Muang, Muang Pan Distict, Lampang Province Bureau of Volunteer Graduates, Thammasat University 1999
800. Thewee Sawanyathipat Title Community life patterns affecting fertility state of Karen women in Suan Phung District, Ratchaburi Province Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chulalongkorn University 1982



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