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    To develop the ethnic groups database where systematized research data are available online and can be made use of by interested parties or individuals, following the subjects or topics of their interests, and thus making it easier for them to sum up the essential points necessary for further in-depth studies. 

    S'gaw youth at Mowakee Chaingmai

    Less savings. Much to share.

    S'gaw's proverb
    Mowakee Chaingmai

    Salak Yom Festival
    Pratupha Temple

    Sea as Home of Urak Lawoi, Moken, Moklen

    Rawai beach Phuket Thailand


    Computer class of S'gaw students
    Mae La Noi , Maehongson

    Khaw Rai (Rice)
    produced from rotational farming
    Li Wo, Kanchanaburi


    S'gaw woman at Hin Lad Nai village

    Fermented Beans

    Important ingredient of Tai


    Phlong(Pwo) woman

    Li Wo village

    Boon Khaw Mai rite

    Phlong at Li Wo


    Little Prince of Tai

    Ordination in Summer of Tai boys


    Boys are ordained as novice monks

     Poi Sang Long is the tradition of the Tai. 

    Be novice monk to learn Buddhism


    Tai-art  mural painting of  Buddha 
    at Wat Chong Kam Chong Klang
    Maehongson Thailand

    Wat Chong-Kam, Chong Klang

    Hmong childs at Ban Kewkarn
  •   Smile

    Smile in problems
    Urak  Lawai at Rawai Phuket
  •   Hybrid




  Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database
1374 results found. Sorted by date | title

  Author Title Source Year
1021. Prathung Khruahong Sea Gypsies in Thailand Ton Or Grammy Co., Ltd. 1988
1022. Theerawat Kaewdaeng Contest for meaning of the Pu Yur-Ya Yur ritual and belief in Luang Phrabang, Laos Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 2002
1023. Samorchai Poonsuwan The Lao Song and Christianity Institute of Thai Studies, Thammasart University 2001
1024. Ngarmpit Satsanguan The family institution of the Vietnamese ethnic group in Bangkok: A case study of Vietnamese families Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University 2002
1025. Onsiri Panin A study of villages, houses and the construction technology of Yunanese villages in Mae Hong Son Province Institute of Research and Development, Silapakorn University 1997
1026. Sumit Pitiphat and Huang Luang Thaeng Tai and Muang Tai of Kwa Province in Vietnam Institute of Thai Studies, Thammasart University 2000
1027. Withaya Watcharakiatisak The problems of Yunanese immigrants under the supervision of the Interior Ministry: A case study in Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province Department of Politics and Government, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 1996
1028. Sumit Pitiphat The religions and beliefs of the Black Tai in Sipsongchuthai, Vietnam Institute of Thai Studies, Thammasart University 2002
1029. Phumphat Chetiyanon Inter-ethnic interaction in Yong Huay - Inle Lakes of Shan State Faculty of Social Sciences and Anthropology, Thammasart University 2003
1030. Samarn Ruaysungnern A survey of firewood use by hilltribes Research Unit, Watershed Conservation Division, Department of Forestry 1980
1031. Udomchai Angkhasing The Hmong and national security Thailand National Defence College 1996
1032. Pha-om Namat, Anchan Sawadio, Rabiap Suphawiree, Kowit Kaewsuwan Textile and Textile Knowledge Conservation: A Case Study of the Pow Karen in Kanchanaburi, Ratchaburi, and Suphanburi Provinces The Research and Development Institute, Silapakorn University -
1033. Khanitha Khanthawichai Socio-economic adaptation of Mien women immigrants in Washington, USA Faculty of Archeology, Silapakorn University 2001
1034. Juthamat Sonkanok, Phichet Anukul A Study of Socio-cultural Changes of Tai Lue Research Programme for Higher Educational Institutions Development of Commission on Higher Education 1986
1035. Chompunut Phothongkham Names of the Pwo Karen in Tambon Suan Phueng, Suan Phueng District, Ratchaburi Province Linguistics Department, Mahidol University 1998
1036. Kaenchan Malisor Textile product design of the Tai Yai (Shan) at Mai Mokjam Village, Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai Province Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University -
1037. Kanthima Rayrai Death rituals of the Chao Bon (Nha Kur) at Nam Lat Village, Tambon Na Yang Klak, Thepsathit District, Chaiyaphum Province Department of Thai Studies, Mahasarakham University -
1038. Phuthorn Phumathon (ed.) Thai Berng Cultural Heritage in the Pa Sak River Basin Affected by the Construction of the Pa Sak Dam Thepsatri Rajabhat University 1998
1039. Aroonrat Wichienkeeo Ethnic Groups in Chiangmai Inter - Ethnic Relations in the Making of Mainland southeast Asia.Vol.1, Compiled by Hayashi, Yukio, pp. 40 – 75, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University. 1998
1040. Yuji Baba Being Lue, and not Being Lue Inter - Ethnic Relations in the Making of Mainland southeast Asia.Vol.1, Compiled by Hayashi, Yukio, pp. 76 - 94, Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University. 1998


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