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    To develop the ethnic groups database where systematized research data are available online and can be made use of by interested parties or individuals, following the subjects or topics of their interests, and thus making it easier for them to sum up the essential points necessary for further in-depth studies. 

    S'gaw youth at Mowakee Chaingmai

    Less savings. Much to share.

    S'gaw's proverb
    Mowakee Chaingmai

    Salak Yom Festival
    Pratupha Temple

    Sea as Home of Urak Lawoi, Moken, Moklen

    Rawai beach Phuket Thailand


    Computer class of S'gaw students
    Mae La Noi , Maehongson

    Khaw Rai (Rice)
    produced from rotational farming
    Li Wo, Kanchanaburi


    S'gaw woman at Hin Lad Nai village

    Fermented Beans

    Important ingredient of Tai


    Phlong(Pwo) woman

    Li Wo village

    Boon Khaw Mai rite

    Phlong at Li Wo


    Little Prince of Tai

    Ordination in Summer of Tai boys


    Boys are ordained as novice monks

     Poi Sang Long is the tradition of the Tai. 

    Be novice monk to learn Buddhism


    Tai-art  mural painting of  Buddha 
    at Wat Chong Kam Chong Klang
    Maehongson Thailand

    Wat Chong-Kam, Chong Klang

    Hmong childs at Ban Kewkarn
  •   Smile

    Smile in problems
    Urak  Lawai at Rawai Phuket
  •   Hybrid




  Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database
1374 results found. Sorted by date | title

  Author Title Source Year
381. Nathawee Thasarat, Suriya Ratanakul Ethic Group Encyclopedia: Lawa Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development, Mahidol University 1996
382. Phatcharin Yarana Attitude of hilltribe farmers toward forest conservation: A case study of Doi Phu Kha, Pua District, Nan Province Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chiang Mai University 1994
383. Apichart Ngamniyom A survey on the derivation, record, and transmission of elaborately designed earthen water containers of Mon potters in Koh Kret District Faculty of Graduate Studies, Kasetsart University 2001
384. Ardiez Wareekul A Study of Cultural Integration between Buddhist and Moslem Thais in Ban Na-Thap, Tambon Na-Thab, Amphoe Chana, Changwat Songkhla Master of Arts (Thai Studies), Thaksin University 2004
385. Aphichart Nopmuang A comparison of Eastern Timor Independence and a demand for Pattani State Independence Faculty of Graduate Studies, Command and General Staff College, Royal Thai Army Institute 2006
386. Suphasit Thanadetphakdee Self-defense against crimes of Muslim communities in Bangkok Department of Criminology and Justice, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University 1998
387. Thawat Yapha Knowledge of Thai Muslims about the Halal symbol: A case study of Thai Muslims in Minburi District, Bangkok Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Burapha University 2002
388. Pensri Chan-in Job satisfactions of personnel in non-governmental organizations working for the hilltribes Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Geaduate Studies, Maejo University 1998
389. - - - -
390. - - - 1986
391. Prachuap Khambuntan, Anurak Panyanuwat, Ken Camp Social Trends of Highland Communities in the Next Decade Office of Special Affairs, Ministry of Education, and Chiang Mai University 1996
392. Robert W. Kickert Akha Village Structure Proceeding of the first symposium of the Tribal Research Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand. p.35-40. 1967
393. Peter Kunstadler Hill and valley Populations in Northwestern Thailand Proceedings of the First Symposium of Tribal Research Centre, Chiang Mai,Thailand. pp.69-85. 1967
394. - - - 1967
395. Hashimoto Takashi Television and Socio-Political Change in the Muslim Community in Southern Thailand Cross-Border Perspectives from Thailand and Malaysia, Selected Papers Presented at Kyoto-Thammasat Core University Seminar Kyoto, 19-20 November, 1993. Edited by Fukui Hayao, The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University 1995, pp 89-94 1993
396. Surin Pitsuwan Malay Muslim Integrated Policy in Thailand in Ratanakosin Period Thai Khadi Research Institute, Thammasat University 1982
397. Environment Network Hmong Knowledge: Natural Resources Management and Diversity Hmong Environment Network and IMPECT Association, Social Fund, 2002 2002
398. Tracy Pilar Contradictions in Learning How to be Thai: A Case Study of a Young Hmong Woman Hmong Studies Journal 2003, Volume 4 2003
399. Suchart Prasithrathsint Ethnicity and Fertility in Thailand Research Notes and Discussions Paper No. 51 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1985
400. Malee Srisaringkarn An Economic Analysis in Karen Handicraft Activities: A Case Study of Weaving at Phra Bat Huay Tom Village, Lamphun Province Economics, Graduate School, Chiang Mai University 1987


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