Originally, Phu Tai were settled in the Sip Song Chu Tai Region, covering an area in northern Laos, northern Vietnam, and southern China. They had migrated to Thailand due to political conflicts in their homeland or being persuaded, or as prisoners of war. Phu Tai is a minority ethnic group residing in the northeast and some parts of Ratchaburi and Phetchaburi provinces. They now speak Thai and their language is very similar to the northeastern Thai dialect. Most of them originated from Muang Wang and Muang Tapon, and settled in Kalasin, Sakon Nakhon, Nakhon Phanom, Mukdahan, and Ubon Ratchathani. They were involved in subsistence agriculture and trade of cows, buffaloes, animal hides and horns. In addition, they were engaged in pottery, cotton plantation, raising silk worms, and weaving silk and cotton. They are Buddhists, however, still maintain their animistic beliefs.