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    To develop the ethnic groups database where systematized research data are available online and can be made use of by interested parties or individuals, following the subjects or topics of their interests, and thus making it easier for them to sum up the essential points necessary for further in-depth studies. 

    S'gaw youth at Mowakee Chaingmai

    Less savings. Much to share.

    S'gaw's proverb
    Mowakee Chaingmai

    Salak Yom Festival
    Pratupha Temple

    Sea as Home of Urak Lawoi, Moken, Moklen

    Rawai beach Phuket Thailand


    Computer class of S'gaw students
    Mae La Noi , Maehongson

    Khaw Rai (Rice)
    produced from rotational farming
    Li Wo, Kanchanaburi


    S'gaw woman at Hin Lad Nai village

    Fermented Beans

    Important ingredient of Tai


    Phlong(Pwo) woman

    Li Wo village

    Boon Khaw Mai rite

    Phlong at Li Wo


    Little Prince of Tai

    Ordination in Summer of Tai boys


    Boys are ordained as novice monks

     Poi Sang Long is the tradition of the Tai. 

    Be novice monk to learn Buddhism


    Tai-art  mural painting of  Buddha 
    at Wat Chong Kam Chong Klang
    Maehongson Thailand

    Wat Chong-Kam, Chong Klang

    Hmong childs at Ban Kewkarn
  •   Smile

    Smile in problems
    Urak  Lawai at Rawai Phuket
  •   Hybrid




  Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database
Sorted by date | title


Subject Hmong, Mien, Lahu, Lawa, Paganyaw, S’gaw, S’gau (Karen), Khamu, hill tribe, Northern of Thailand
Author Wanat Preuksasri
Title Knowledge about Thai Lanna: Hill Tribe in Lanna Kingdom
Document Type Book Original Language of Text -
Ethnic Identity , Lahu, Mien, Iu Mien, Hmong, Paganyaw, Kammu Tmooy, , , Language and Linguistic Affiliations Not specified.
Location of
Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre Library Total Pages 52 Year 2000
Source Committee of Book under Royal Development Project

This book shows the hill tribe in northern of Thailand that is Karen, Hmong, Lahu, Yao, Lau, Akha, Lawa and Khamu. They migrated from other places into Lanna kingdom such as Karen was originally in China before they had moved to Burma in 6th or 7th century (B.C. 11 or 12) and then to Lanna Kingdom and Lau who moved from Lao. The hill tribe follow their beliefs and prohibition about settlement. Most of them settled down scattered. Their village size begins from 2-3 households up to 120 households. Referred to the survey from Hill tribe Research Institute in 1984, it was found that the hill tribe population in Thailand was 429,001 people and 83-percent of them lived in northern of Thailand. They mostly earn for a living by planting rice, farming and transplanting. They do slash and burn agriculture with the rains. Some hill tribe do the rotation farming such as Hmong, Yao, Lau, Lawa and Ahka. Village is the most important social institution and centralization for social relation, economic and ritual. Their family structure consists of 2 aspects: extended family is mostly found in Hmong and Yao and single family is mostly found in Karen and lawa. Every village, except in Lisu, has the leader and the deputy as a guardian and a representative to authority. Some villages have elder group for consultant. All of them believe in spiritual in which the spirit stays in nature. Moreover, they have offerings for the spirit and also a sorcerer. Their belief sometimes is mixed with other religions such as Buddhism in Dhamma Jarika project and Christ from missionary. The relationship between the hill tribe and Thai people since Lanna kingdom era untill now has 3 aspects: (1) Relationship between Ruler and the follower from Lanna era throughout absolute monarchy era (2) the relationship on their connecting between hill tribe and the northern people (3) the relationship between hill tribe and the authority which tries to enhance the developing plan for them and implements to mixed culture with Thai people such as changing their belief to Buddhism, having formal education as same as Thai people and Getting married with Thai people as well.

Text Analyst Sithiporn Jorradol Date of Report Jan 06, 2023
TAG Hmong, Mien, Lahu, Lawa, Paganyaw, S’gaw, S’gau (Karen), Khamu, hill tribe, Northern of Thailand, Translator -


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