Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database |
Record |
Subject |
Urak Lawoi, Sea Gypsies, cross-cultural communication, Phuket |
Author |
Jiraporn Butsan |
Title |
Cross-cultural communication problems and aspects between Sea Gypsies and development officials: A case study of the Life Quality Development Program for the Sea Gypsies in Tambon Rawai, Muang District, Puket Province |
Document Type |
Thesis |
Original Language of Text |
- |
Ethnic Identity |
Language and Linguistic Affiliations |
Austronesian |
Location of
Documents |
SirindhornAnthropology Center |
Total Pages |
- |
Year |
1996 |
Source |
Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Chulalongkorn University |
Abstract |
The research findings revealed that the Sea Gypsies received information from development officials through home visits, village meetings, and community leaders. In the ethnic perspectives, it was found that there were no cross-cultural communication problems and the ethnic people wanted everyone to know that they were local residents. Language was not a problem in communicating with the officials and they wanted to change themselves to belong to their community. However, they felt that the officials were outsiders and thought that they should learn and know more about the ethnic culture. The communication problems in the officials’ perspectives were that the ethnic residents had no trust in and were distant from them. They also harbored negative attitude toward the officials and there was a language difference. The ethnic residents who were married and had different education levels were aware of the development program differently. Those with different lengths of time living in the community participated in the program differently. Different genders had different expectations toward the program aspects and desirable characteristics of the officials. Knowledge about the program was not related to participation in the program. Nevertheless, attitude toward the program was related to participation in the program.