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    S'gaw youth at Mowakee Chaingmai

    Less savings. Much to share.

    S'gaw's proverb
    Mowakee Chaingmai

    Salak Yom Festival
    Pratupha Temple

    Sea as Home of Urak Lawoi, Moken, Moklen

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    Maehongson Thailand

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  Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database
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Subject Dual nationality, security, Malay Muslims in Thailand, May Muslims in Malaysia, Thai-Malaysian border
Author Jiraporn Ngamlertsupon
Title Dual nationality: T impacts of security along the Thai-Malaysian border
Document Type Research Paper Original Language of Text Thai
Ethnic Identity Malayu, Ore Nayu, Malayu Muslim, Muslim Malayu, Language and Linguistic Affiliations -
Location of
The Thailand Research Fund
[Full Text]
Total Pages 129 Year 2551
Source The Thailand Research Fund

The objective of this research was to investigate whether or not dual nationality would impact the security at the southern border provinces. The scopes of this research encompass the background of dual nationality, motivating factors to obtain dual nationality, as well examining the data pertaining to dual citizens and Malaysian nationality laws, along with collaboration, to solve the problem of dual nationality between Thailand and Malaysia, and finally, appropriate measures to deal with persons with dual nationality.

This qualitative study was based on a documentary research approach and in-depth interviews with dual-national persons and with officers of administrative and security agencies. The research results revealed that the factors leading to dual nationality are as follows. Firstly, the process of modern nation-state creation resulted in geographical demarcation of a state in the establishment of nationality laws in order to bind individuals with state’s land. However, these nationality laws are unable to create a racial and cultural divide and to break the bond between Muslims in Thailand and Malaysia, who have been in close kinship. Secondly, Malaysian’s internal politics perceive dual nationality as an integral element to internal security and stability of the country. Malaysia wishes to offer citizenship to southern Thai Muslims in order to balance and limit the increasing number of Chinese Malays in Kelantan. These naturalized southern Thai Muslims are of Malay background and more spiritually bonded to Malaysia than to Thailand. The policy of providing citizenship to these Thai Muslims has been used to gain more votes for Malaysian political parties. Finally, economic motivation is a major reason for southern Thai Muslims to acquire Malaysian citizenship so that they are able to earn a living in Malaysia. Thailand has attempted to solve the dual nationality problem for over three decades and has sought collaboration with Malaysian governmentsin order to establish mutual practices at different levels. Following the intense fightings since 2004, Thailand has attempted to have a stronger collaboration with the Malaysian government and to synchronize the database of individuals with identity cards. Nevertheless, Malaysia has not provided sufficient cooperation because the issue is sensitive and affects national security, political interests, and the individual rights in the country. In terms of the effects of dual nationality on Thailand’s national security, it was revealed that, in the past, dual nationality was actually related to unrest in the southern border provinces. However, since 2004, there has been no evidence of such connection between dual nationality and the unrest in these regions, andthose participating in terrorist activities are from older generations and that current unrestsare not related to dual nationality. Therefore, the concept of dual nationality threatening national security is a social construct, which was created after tragic unrests in 2004. 

Text Analyst Sakoonkorn Yathai Date of Report Oct 01, 2021
TAG Dual nationality, security, Malay Muslims in Thailand, May Muslims in Malaysia, Thai-Malaysian border, Translator -


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