Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database |
Record |
Subject |
Kalerng, lifestyle, socio-economy, SakonNakhorn |
Author |
Surat Warangrat, Thawatchai Kunwong, Siriporn Inthisaeng |
Title |
The Kalerng at Ban Bua |
Document Type |
Research Paper |
Original Language of Text |
Thai |
Ethnic Identity |
Language and Linguistic Affiliations |
Tai |
Location of
Documents |
SirindhornAnthropologyCenterLibrary |
Total Pages |
36 |
Year |
1988 |
Source |
Center for Arts and Culture, SakonNakhornTeachersTrainingCollege |
Abstract |
The report described socio-economic conditions and the livelihood of the Kalerng ethnic group at Ban Bua, TambonKutBak, SakonNakhornProvince. The Kalerng originated inLaos and migrated to SakonNakhorn, NakhornPhanom and MukdaharnProvinces about 150 years ago. Mass migrations took place during the reign of King Rama III during the war with King Anuwong and during the reign of King Rama V during the war with the Chinese Haw. The study revealed that the socio-economic conditions of the ethnic group had changed due to overpopulation. Furthermore, the state was getting more serious about tree felling in national parks. Hunting and gathering forest products could not be done because forest resources were scarce. Consequently, the ethnic group had to change their lifestyle to suit current social conditions. Their culture of bartering things with other ethnic groups in the past has been replaced by money-oriented practices.