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    S'gaw youth at Mowakee Chaingmai

    Less savings. Much to share.

    S'gaw's proverb
    Mowakee Chaingmai

    Salak Yom Festival
    Pratupha Temple

    Sea as Home of Urak Lawoi, Moken, Moklen

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    Computer class of S'gaw students
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    produced from rotational farming
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    Important ingredient of Tai


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    Boys are ordained as novice monks

     Poi Sang Long is the tradition of the Tai. 

    Be novice monk to learn Buddhism


    Tai-art  mural painting of  Buddha 
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  Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre
Ethnic Groups Research Database
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Subject Nyo, Way of Life, Amphoe Kantharawichai
Author Thawee Thawaroe, Chamnong Kitisakol
Title A Way of Life of Tai-Yor in Amphoe Kantharawichai, Mahasarakham
Document Type Research Paper Original Language of Text Thai
Ethnic Identity Nyo, Language and Linguistic Affiliations Tai
Location of
Sirindhorn Anthropology Center Library Total Pages 78 Year 1999
Source Research supported by Office of the National Culture Commission, Budget Year of 1998

The research was based in Kantharawichai, and Mahasarakham. There are seven communities of the Tai-Yor ethnic group living their lives based on Tai-Yor culture. These communities include: Ban Thakhonyang and Ban Wangwa in Tambon Thakhonyang; Ban Nongkhon, Ban Somploy and Ban Non in Tambon Khanthanrat; Ban Namsai in Tambon Khamthoaphattana; and Ban Donkantong in Tambon Nasinuan. In all these seven communities, there are 1,029 households with a total of 4,709 people. As for the four necessities of life for the Tai-Yor, formerly they had their own identities concerning dwellings, clothing, food and eating habits, and illness treatments. However, these things have been adjusted according to the time, situations and circumstances. The culture of These people is also Isan culture and popular Thai culture. The context of life for the Tai-Yor goes on simply as found in any agricultural society. Rice farming is their chief occupation. Their supplementary occupations include growing plants, raising animals and being hired. There are very few Tai-Yor people who serve as government officials or work as merchants. Their status of being is self-sustaining (?). But if monetary incomes are considered, most of these people would be regarded as rather poor. Almost every Tai-Yor household is in debt. The Customs and traditions of the Tai-Yor are in accordance with “hitsipsong klongsipsi” of Isan society. The details of their practices are slightly different. Most rituals are bound firmly to beliefs in spirits. The Tai-Yor people believe in various different types of spirits and they are very strict about the treatment of the “Phiputa” or their ancestors’ spirits. There are very many times in the year when the ritual of offering food to the spirits is held. Even so, the Tai-Yor people have very strong faith in Buddhism. Festivals and traditional merit-making ceremonies are tightly tied to the “wat” or monastery and monks. The behaviour of the people in this group is guided by the moral principles. On important Buddhist days all the Tai-Yor people feel enthusiastic and happy to go to the “wat” and make merits. The Tai-Yor families have a monogamous system and they live in extended families. The People respect seniority and the elderly are persons of worship for children, grand-children and the community. In development of quality of life the Tai-Yor have both physical and qualitative development. The people develop factors for making their living, minimum public health, education, and receiving information about the country. This is a kind of gradual development. Although most Tai-Yor society is a rural one, the Tai-Yor people of the modern generation have adopted values that follow the urban society, particularly as regards materialism which has been increasing rapidly. They are in great favor of acquiring modern conveniences in their households which is contrary to the economic conditions of all families. This can cause debts to follow. What the Tai-Yor people should be proud of, besides their customs and traditions, is that they have their own language. The Tai-Yor language is an outstanding cultural item and is regarded as the identity of the Tai-Yor ethnic group.

Text Analyst Kornchanok Sanidhwong Date of Report Sep 25, 2024
TAG Nyo, Way of Life, Amphoe Kantharawichai, Translator Chalermchai Chaichomphu


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