Population of this study has average age in 39.88 years old. Most of them can speak Thai but rarely read Thai language. They have single family and earns for a living by agriculture averaged 21,141.64 baht, other occupations 5,005.87 baht per a year and gross income 25,583.73 baht per a year. They mostly cultivate rice and corn. They communicate external annually 5.89 times and monthly communicate with the authority 1.14 times. Their attitude towards the Land Resettlement project is related to income from other occupations and household’s income. However, the other variables aren’t related to the attitude such as age, Thai language skill, family type, agriculture income, agriculture tools, planting farms, village leadership, and the communication both external and authority. The problems and obstacles are inadequate farming area, inconvenient transportation, unclean in household, draught in dry season, lacking of water for agriculture and consumption and poor understanding in Thai language. Their need are more farming area, better transportation and public utility and water for agriculture and consumption.