The Akha is a highland ethnic group. Their origin is in China, particularly in Yunnan Province. The group is divided into many subgroups. They migrated into Burma, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand about two centuries ago. Their traditional lifestyle is based on highland shifting cultivation, growing rice and vegetables. It is a self-sufficiency economy. However, the Akha have contacted and traded with outsiders. Their economic system has changed due to state development and population growth. The group has turned to commercial crops, such as tomato, ginger, cabbage, chili, opium poppies, tea, rubber, sugar cane, or coffee. However, the prices they obtain are not high. The Akha are a patriarchal society. After marriage, the women belong to the men’s family. “Dozema” is the ritual leader in the village and oversees the villagers to behave according to traditional practices or “Akhazang”. Taboos and regulations usually have legends which explain the reasons why one has to abide by them. The ethnic group has more contacts with the outside world. State highland development projects to develop infrastructure, education, commercial crop cultivation, and tourism have had an impact on their socio-cultural changes and lifestyle.