The relationship of Lue ethnic groups in Republic of China, Laos PDR, and Thailand is a qualitative research project and focus research area in Chiang Khong district, Chiang Rai province. Some information collected at the Lue community, Boh Kaew Province, Laos PDR and Lue community at Xishuangbanna,Yunnan province, Republic of China. The research founded Lue people in all three countries are linked together based on the Lue ethnicity. The relationship links through kinship system, marriage, traditions, culture, history, origin of each Lue area, ancestral spirit, bloodline including household spirits and city spirits that they respect. Some area established relationships through formal networks, participation in government activities, trading networks and business. Nowadays, the important factor that helps Lue people to strengthen relations even in different countries is the internet network which helps to communicate faster and easier.